Visit of Saleem Yaqub to Lahore:
Fayaz says:
Saleem Yaqub arrived for a fews days to Lahore. He came to see on the 18th Feb, 2016. He is currently visiting Abotabad for a couple of weeks and would be in Lahore for a couple of days on the way back. Would plan a get toghter.
Photogragh submitted by Saleem Yaqub:
Saleem says:
A few months ago Rudi and I met up for a cup of coffee and remembered our time at St.Anthony's. I am attaching a copy of photo taken at the time.
I only came to know about Rudi from your website/emails and decided to get in touch with him. I don't recall Rudi being in my classes although when I met up with him I found that he was familiar with quite a few of my classmates. I think Rudi left St.Anthony's around the same time that I joined the school in Class7.
Look forward to catching up with you.
Miscellaneous Photographs
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Many of the FRIENDS at Wajahat Farooq's son's walima reception.

Many of the FRIENDS at Fayaz Rahim's son's walima reception - 26th August, 2012.

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