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Dr Mohammad Farqad Alamgir was appointed a Member of the British Empire (MBE) in the Queen's birthday honours list.

Proud: Dr Mohammad Farqad Alamgir pioneered a programme ensuring heart attack victims are operated on within 90 minutes.
The clinical director for cardiac and neurosciences at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham pioneered a programme ensuring heart attack victims were operated on within 90 minutes, increasing their chances of survival.
He said: "It was a big shock. I am very proud and very humbled.
"I never expected this at all. Obviously, I am delighted, but it is not just for me – it is for my team as well."
Dr Alamgir was working in Saudi Arabia when a letter from the Cabinet Office arrived at his home in Kirk Ella.
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Nasir Sheikh from the US with the following messsage:
Attached are photos of my PhD commencement and a graduation party. So there is hope for us all.
It so happened that my daughter, Noor, graduated at the same time from high school. So we had a father daughter graduation party! How about that?
My wife and son are also in the photo. My eldest daughter is missing --- she was in Washington DC.
Wish you the best for the Ifthar. One day, I hope to join you for one.
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Latest regarding Naseem Khan:
Latest - Naseem Khan is back in Lahore. He called me this morning to thank all the Friends who had wished him well and prayed for him. Will be visiting him in a few days once he is settled down. I must also thank Zaheer for his constant news updates.
Fayaz Rahim (May 25, 2013)
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Latest regarding Naseem Khan - Zaheer has posted the following update:
Naseem is doing well. InshaAllah returning to Pakistan, this Wed,May 22, ie: in Lahore Thursday, Emirites Airlines. Thanks to all well wishers.
Zaheer (May 21, 2013)
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Latest regarding Naseem Khan - Zaheer has posted the following update:
Anthonians: Naseem has progressed to a private , now out of ICU, AlhamdulillAllah. InshaAllah he will be discharged home tomorrow. I spoke with him for the first time. Will visit him in 2 weeks. Will keep you posted.
Zaheer, thanks for the update. Lets pray that Naseem fully recovers and returns to his family.